PProject Name: KA152 Youth exchange – Social inclusion of marginalized through social entrepreneurship - SIMSE
Activity: YE in Italy.
Place: Milan, Italy
Venue: The accommodation will be in Milan – HOSTEL OLINDA MILAN and will be a 3 and 5 beds room in the youth hostel, for more information check it here - https://www.olinda.org/ostellolinda/
Dates: 08-17.12.2022 (8.12 arrival – 17.12 departure) Food: The venue of the training will serve the participants with 3- times-a-day meals and snacks and beverages for the coffee breaks.
Travelling food and accommodation all are paid from the program (For an application you must be member of our organization, if you want to apply for membership you can go for the application to the link: https://www.acpelia.org/be-a-member
5 youngsters and one leader will be selected from our organisation.
What is the project about?
Marginalized youth face large barriers in the job search process and are usually a target of discrimination and do not receive equal treatment in society. The non-governmental sector and non-formal learning can improve and increase the opportunities for social support and promotion of marginalized youth in society and the labour market, but also offer methods to combat discrimination and hate speech. Through the support of the non-governmental sector, the marginalized can improve their competencies but also be promoted before the society.
However, there are various trends promoting the further development of social entrepreneurship. On the cost side the German social sector has seen a substantial expansion in the last years. According to the latest available data from OECD,
Germany’s total social expenditures increased in current prices from €490 billion in 1995 to €600 billion in 2005, representing an inflation-adjusted increase of 23% over the same time period at an almost constant population level (OECD (2009)). The total social expenditures also increased in relative terms as percentage of total general government
expenditures from 48% in 1995 to 57% in 2005 (OECD (2009)). A large portion of this increase was driven by pension payments but all relevant branches of the social sector contributed to the growth.
The COVID 19 crisis has caused large layoffs and left many young people out of work. A huge number of young people who studied and worked at the same time faced problems in the process of their personal existence. The marginalized categories were left without things and their engagement from which they barely survived. This crisis has caused a
number of new challenges such as online work engagement, online job search, digital activity and so on. Marginalized young people need more support through social entrepreneurship and these activities can be realized with the support of the non-governmental sector through non-formal education. The crisis has caused a new trend for social support and entrepreneurship, especially in the targeted marginalized categories
- The need to improve the competencies, skills and knowledge of the participants and their skills in the field of social entrepreneurship as a mechanism for social support of the marginalized
- The need to promote social entrepreneurship as a mechanism for youth support, need to promote young people as social promoters of equal opportunities for all - equal job opportunities
- The need for promotion of young people with fewer opportunities in an open society and the need to define ideas for raising public awareness and support of the marginalized
- The need for international networking and creation of new methods and ideas and the need to promote the Erasmus + program as a mechanism for youth support, youth activism and youth activity in democratic life
- Improving the competencies, skills, knowledge of young people in the field of social entrepreneurship
- Improving the entrepreneurial way of thinking of young people and their promotion as youth leaders for positive change
- Promotion of mechanisms for tackling youth unemployment, which is a common problem in the EU
- Popularization of non-formal education as a skill for employment of young people and their social affirmation before the labour market
The exchanges involve thirtysix participants from 6 partner organisations: Italy, Cyprus,
Croatia, Serbia, Spain and Bulgaria. Each team consists of five young people aged between eighteen and thirty (including 50% with fewer opportunities) and a group leader - inclusion and diversity has to start here to make the project meaningful.
Aplication for Interest of Participation: https://forms.gle/ExNDiLwoMBhjgssWA
If you want to be a candidate of our program please complete the application form and don't forget to complete the membership form if you are not a member of our organisation. Link for completing the application of membership: https://www.acpelia.org/be-a-member