Project Name: SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS MATTERS: from scratch to pitch (SCRATCH-PRO)
Agreement No: 2024-1-CY01-KA153-YOU-000214340
Duration: from 1st of August 2024 till 31st of July 2025 (12 months)
Hosting organisation: Active Cypriot Programs and European Learning Into Acceptance, ACPELIA, email:
Activity: Training Course at Cyprus for 36 youth workers (4 from each organisation, 9 organisations) which focus on promoting sustainability in all its aspects using educational tools.
Period: from 17 to 25 of May 2025 (7 days plus 2 travelling days)
Accommodation: Hylatio Tourist Village, Pissouri village, Limassol, Cyprus,
Topics: Sustainable Development Goals, Critical Thinking, social entrepreuneurship,sustainability method, SDG’s.
5 organisations from Program countries, 4 NGO from Northern Eastern Countries, 4 participants each organisation, 4 facilitators.
Participants: 4 youth workers / teachers / leaders / facilitators / educators above 18
Travelling food and accommodation all are paid from the program
4 youth workers, educators (above 18) will be selected from our organisation.
The evolution of entrepreneurship and the progress with the SDGs
Entrepreneurship is a powerful force of economic development and social progress. We strive for prosperity and innovation to provide constant improvement of the level of our lives. However, doing business as usual is no longer a viable option. Since the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (hereinafter - SDGs) in 2015, a large number of countries, companies, and investors have pledged their support to these goals, recognizing the potential economic opportunities and job creation associated with their achievement. Businesses integrate the SDGs into their core strategies, business models, and research and development, aiming to contribute to the common objective of a better world with better businesses.
According to the Sustainable Development Report 2023, global progress on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) has been static for the third year in a row, and none of the goals will be achieved by 2030 at the current rate. The report shows that less than 20% of the SDG targets are on track to be achieved, and progress has stalled since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic and simultaneous global crises and setbacks.[1] The report highlights the urgent need for countries to double down on SDG progress and providing information on this matter is one of the steps to be taken. In September 2023, the SDG Summit marked the mid-point of the period designated to fulfill the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the existing data on the progress requires an action on every level for the designated goals to be achieved.
Youth Entrepreneurship within the EU policies
Entrepreneurship is a key competence in the European Reference Framework on Key Competencies for Lifelong Learning. Promotion of youth employment and entrepreneurship has been one of the key elements of EU Youth Strategy to combat unemployment and social exclusion as well as to foster innovation. According to the survey on employment preference[2], 39% of young people in the EU mostly aspire to self-employment and their own business.
The common understanding within the EU is that we need young entrepreneurs to strive. When combined with the SDGs it is for the benefit of economic, social and environmental progress of our society. However, the entrepreneurship journey is not a straightforward one which requires to provide a safe space to get the knowledge, skills and practical understanding of business development and operations. Organized in a form of an Erasmus + training the project can serve as a playground and a test for the participants to further apply for the other EU funded projects in this field such as Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs.
Main Idea of the Project
The project intents to provide a safe non-formal space for young people to try on a role of an entrepreneur and make a quick show-around of the main aspects of business activities in a form of an business incubator workshop. As a result the participants will be provided with the basic knowledge, skill-set and practical understanding of the preparatory stage of business development. As a sustainable output each team will have a pitch presentation of their business idea ready for further development and search for funding opportunities. The value basis for the project is enshrined in the SDGs. The participants will be informed about the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs program which can be their next step if they choose to continue their entrepreneurial journey.
Description of the training
The training is organized in a from of a quazi business incubator meant to provide a safe space for developing a business concept from the idea validation to an imaginary pitch to investors in a form of a game. The beginning of the training is dedicated to the understanding of the SDGs as a value foundation in entrepreneurship. This common value will be demonstrated not as a barrier but an opportunity for business development as a tool for solving social, economic and ecological problems and overall progress of society. The participants will be provided with the information about the SDGs and elements of value which will serve as a basis for further business ideas development. The purpose of this part of the training is to stimulate imagination and creative approach to finding solutions for social and environmental issues.
Most of the activities will require the participate to cooperate with each other as in business operations. They will learn about the different business roles, have a chance to find the ones they feel most drawn to personally and act as CEOs, accountants, marketing directors, etc. The stages of team work will include coming up with a business idea and understanding of its potential social impact, creating a business model and a strategy, calculating basic costs to start a business[3], developing an MVP and testing it among the training participants and learning about the basics of business marketing and communication. The final part of the training will be organized in a form of a pitching session. The teams will present their business concepts and the volunteer participants will act as investors will decide which startup they are willing to invest in. The developments made during the training can serve as a basis for further work on the projects.
The business-related topics that will be covered throughout the training will be as follows:
● SDGs exploration as a value basis for entrepreneurship.
● Business ideas as a way to solve a social problem and bring an element of value.
● Business model and strategic planning through canvas.
● Understanding business roles and fitting into the team.
● Calculating basic startup costs.
● Business management, leadership, and team management in business.
● Testing the product (MVP).
● Marketing, branding and communications, SMM.
● Funding opportunities search.
● Pitching.
This project aims to:
● Provide a platform to reflect and analyze the evolution of entrepreneurship and the values underneath this activity in the light of sustainability.
● Discuss the progress that has been made in the latest years and explore SDGs progress in each country, in particular, the corporate social responsibility status.
● Provide the tentative canva for business idea development from scratch and to stimulate creation of a pitch that can be further developed and used after the training.
● Understand the link between business, social impact and prosperity as well as the difference between corporate social responsibility and social entrepreneurship.
● Creating a safe environment where young people can explore business ideas and the roles of entrepreneurs.
● Explore opportunities that are open for social business creators, in particular, incubators, accelerators, grants and other funding options.
● Empowering youth workers with the skills and confidence to become agents of change in their communities in particular through sustainable entrepreneurship and preventing SDGs ignorant and socially irresponsible actions in their future careers.
Relevance of the project for Erasmus + :
● Empowering youth workers with skills and confidence to become agents of change in their communities through creation of socially responsible businesses.
● Increase inclusion and diversity through the innovation of social entrepreneurship, stressing out that every aspect of potential barriers for effective participation can be regarded as a great opportunity for social business ideas development.
● Laying down the platform for closing the economic barriers showing the tools and opportunities for business development as a means of unparalleled financial growth.
● Supporting digital transformation by providing digital tools for learning and developing businesses and stimulating search for opportunities using available digital resources, in particular, digital education and funding opportunities.
● Enhanced teamwork and cooperation as any business can be fully operated by one person which stimulates efforts to find win-win cooperation strategies.
● Contribute to the environment and climate action as well as to the Green transition through raising awareness about these issues and building skills, attitudes and knowledge necessary for the sustainable development.
● Enabling participation in democratic life, strengthening common values and supporting civic engagement of youth showing sustainable entrepreneurship as a way to move forward common goals and change on a bigger scale.
● Improving all of Erasmus Plus key competences and skills for youth workers.
Aplication for Interest of Participation: