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“Speak UP Your FEeLings (SUPYFEL)”, YE in Cyprus/02.04-10.04.2024

Updated: Nov 28, 2023

Project Name: Speak UP Your FEeLings (SUPYFEL)

Duration: From 1/07/2023 till 31/08/2024 (14 months)

Activity: Youth Exchange at Hylatio Tourist Village in Pissouri for learning how to express your feelings for self-improvement.

Activity dates: 2 το 10 of April 2024 (including travelling dates)

Applicant Organisation: Active Cypriot Programs and European Learning Into Acceptance, ACPELIA, email:

Travelling food and accommodation all are paid from the program (For an application you must be member of our organization, if you want to apply for membership you can go for the application to the link:

7 youngsters (ages 16 to 20) and 2 leaders will be selected from our organisation.

Main Idea of the Project

56 youngsters (ages 16 – 20) from 8 organizations (7 participants each organisation and one leader) and 16 leaders with 2 stakeholders will gather in a Youth Exchange project and with their own ideas will learn how to express their own feelings through different ways so they can feel more confident. During the process of the Youth Exchange, they will be in the situation to find out more ways to help other young people with how to handle their feelings and to feel confident to express them.

The aim of the project is to help young people express their feelings, how to deal with them, how to apply them in their daily lives and how to be able to help each other.

Project specific objectives are to:

● Boost their feelings through theatre activities to express with their body.

● Compare some real-life experiences to feel that they are not alone.

● Photography emotional activity.

● Create a space for youngsters with fewer opportunities to express themselves.

● Make young people speak up their feelings through art and music.

● Open-up their feelings so, they can help each other.

The main idea is to use a variety of different Non-Formal educatonal methods of thinking in a different way for self-improvement and a lot of other themes which are becoming part of our personality. The aim is to spread these methods through the NGOs and help other youngsters become more balanced and happy in their daily lives as well as increasing their employability rates.

Relevance of the project for Erasmus + :

o Improving the key competencies and skills of young people;

o Including PAXs with fewer opportunities;

o Promote participation and active citizenship in European labor market;

o Increasing learning mobility opportunities for young people active in youth work;

o Enhanced cooperation

Methods used: ice-breaking games, practical workshops, brainstorming and discussions, work in mixed groups, simulations and role plays, presentations, city challenge, reflection groups, creative morning, well-being sessions and a many more. The main aim is to focus on using Learning by doing methodology during the entire project duration.

Project activities will involve:

· Get to know each other: Activities that will support participants to get to know each other, explore the group and venue and make them comfortable to enjoy the rest of the project.

· City challenge: Get to know the surroundings, the locals, explore the culture and nature.

· Open workshop for public and locals: Erasmus+ programme opportunities for young people, Youthpass and 8 key competencies.

· World café: To introduce the topic to participants and go deeper into explooring

· Workshops and Skill-Building Activities: Hands-on workshops can help participants learn new skills, such as knitting, embroidery, and upcycling.

· Local visit: Visit to the city and exploring culture of Cyprus.

· Cultural Exchange Activities: Cultural exchange activities can help participants learn about different cultures and their customs, food, traditions, songs etc.

· Group Projects and Presentations

Aplication for Interest of Participation:

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