Project Name: OUT OF THE BOX
Training of Youth Workers: 4 to 11 of July 2021
Duration: 1/10/2020 - 31/08/2021
Activity: Training at Cyprus of 27 youth workers (3 youth workers from each organization) in thinking and acting OUT OF THE BOX for self-improvement and being better as persons with Non-Formal Educational Activities.
Accommodation: Pissouriana Apartments, Pissouri, Limassol, Cyprus.
3 youth workers from our organization will take place in the program. Travelling food and accommodation all are paid from the program (For an application you must be a member of our organization and if you want to apply for membership you can go for the application to the following link:
Pissouriana apartments
The idea is to use a variety of different methods of thinking out of the box for their self-improvement, personal development, coaching, time-management, psychology, against social and cultural discrimination and a lot of other themes which are becoming part of our personality. The aim is to spread these methods through the NGOs and help young people become more balanced and happy in their daily lives as well as increasing their employability rates.
Preliminary program of the training
The objectives of the training course are:
To evaluate the ways by which we understand ourselves.
How do we understand ourselves?
How do we do our self-analysis?
Which are our strengths and weaknesses?
What makes us motivated?
Which criteria determine the ways we do our self-evaluation?
Is our self-evaluation objective?
How do other people evaluate us?
Which do they believe are our strengths and weaknesses?
Are we subject to any discrimination and we cannot do objective self-evaluation, because we feel pressured by others or fear or we are deprived of our human rights?
How do we review our self-evaluation? Are we now too lenient or too strict with ourselves?
How do we review our self-evaluation?
The intersection of different views.
To do freed-from-pressures, fear, discrimination or other “altered” factors self-evaluation.
Deterioration of our self-understanding and self-evaluation at risk of being subject to discrimination.
To learn the importance of awareness of our human rights (and responsibilities).
To be aware of human rights.
To comply with human rights.
To be freely expressed about ourselves.
To stimulate interest in human rights and racism.
To raise awareness about human rights.
To eliminate exploitation.
The right not to be discriminated against.
Promote freedom and equality in dignity and rights.
To increase equal treatment of all for the improvement of ourselves.
To develop skills to understand ourselves and to become better alternatively.
To encourage people to find alternative activities to assess themselves.
To express freely new ideas for self-improvement.
To develop imagination and creativity to envision the future.
To think of how social media can contribute to self-improvement.
To encourage young people to think “out of the box”, because in our days those people have more chances to succeed.
Young people of our organisation and other organisations learn new methods of Non-Formal Education in themes of self-understanding, self-awareness, and self-improvement.
To develop the idea of living in a fair and innovative world.
Βήματα για δήλωση συμμετοχής:
1) Όσοι δεν είναι μέλη του Σωματείου μπορούν να κάνουν εγγραφή σαν μέλη του Σωματείου μας για να ενημερώνονται και να έχουν το δικαίωμα να λαμβάνουν μέρος στις δράσεις του Σωματείου στο λινκ: Εγγραφή
2) Όσοι είναι ήδη μέλη του Σωματείου μπορούν να προχωρήσουν στο επόμενο βήμα (3).
How to Apply:
1) Those who are not members of our Association, can register to be informed and have the right to participate in the activities of the Association at the link: Registration
2) Those who are already members of the Association can proceed to the next step (3).
3) Project Form