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ACT FOR CHANGES - International two-part Training Course

Updated: Jan 6, 2022

International two-part Training Course, which focuses on activism and youth participation

Applicant Organisation: Active Cypriot Programs and European Learning Into Acceptance, ACPELIA, email:

Coordinator organisation: Institute for Democratic Changes, Georgia

Project Manager: Nikolas Nikolaou email:;

Trainers: Nikolas Nikolaou, Erma Georgiou, Evangelia Nikolaou

Informations for the implementation of the project can be found in the webpage of the project:

Duration: From 1/09/2020 till 31/10/2021

Activity: Training Course at Georgia and Cyprus for 32 youth workers and policy makers (4 youth workers and policy makers from each organization) which focus on activism and youth participation with Non-Formal Educational Activities.


- When? 22 to 26 of June 2021.

- Where? - Pedoulas, Cyprus, Elyssia Hotel

- Duration: 5 days + 2 travel days;

- The first training will gather 36 youth workers to discover alternative ways of participation, discrimination and the ways of combating it. in order to bring back to their organisation the competences and tools necessary to accompany young people from vulnerable groups in launching a local initiative. The majority of our participants to this seminar will be youth workers or young peers who come from disadvantaged/vulnerable background (young people with fewer opportunities), and preferably the same as their target group for the project.

Second Training – ACT FOR CHANGES 1 – GEORGIA

- When? 20 to 24 of August 2021 as working days plus 2 days travelling

- Where? - Rustavi, Georgia

- Duration: 5 working days + 2 travel days;

- Seminar dedicated to non-violent activism and to use it as an alternative way of youth participation. The training course will directly involve 36 youth, youth workers and develop the competences of these youth workers working with vulnerable young people in non-violent activism for the recognition and valorisation of their participation in European society.

General Description:

Youth policies and youth work practice must support young people in realizing their full potential as autonomous members of society, enabling them to develop life plans and exercise their democratic citizenship. Participation is an essential element of citizenship in a democratic society and a democratic Europe. Youth participation is not an end in itself, but a means of achieving positive changes in young people’s lives and of building a better society. Young people should be given advice, guidance and support about how best to be involved in decisions and actions that affect them in school, youth groups and in their community. However, older people may also need training in how best to support young people in having their say. One of the biggest problems is the lack of relevant and available information concerning activities, opportunities and events. This can sometimes also include a lack of information about many important issues in young people’s lives. These may include housing, employment, sexuality, law, rights, freedom of expression etc. Our fast developing society offers a wide range of opportunities. Nevertheless, youth has limited access to resources, healthcare, education, accommodation, employment and decision-making processes. The tempo is high and the culture increasingly individualistic, so young people without safe networks are at risk to be marginalized and tend to play a passive role in their communities. Active citizenship and participation are not just slogans but key concepts to build an inclusive society. Through the project, we would like to reach young people living in Europe who have Social, Economical, Geographical, Disability obstacles. Non-formal education is one of the best ways for the target group to make them think about their role in the communities.

The project focuses on active youth participation and nonviolent activism. Non-formal education is one of the best ways for the target group to make them think about their role in their communities.


Aim of the project is to promote non-violent activism as an effective tool for youth participation and inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities, particularly young people living in villages, internally displaced young people, refugees and minority groups.

Main Objectives of the project are:

- -To support cooperation and communication process among young people with fewer opportunities living in a different part of Europe;

- To get familiar with elements and forms of discrimination and how and why to combat it; -To get familiar with the concept of democratic citizenship;

- To raise awareness about the main principles of youth participation and non-violent activism as an effective instrument;

- To increase competences of participants on social/non-violent activism and analyze the connections with youth participation and democratic citizenship;

- To increase competences of participants to initiate, design and implement nonviolent actions and campaigns through digital tools (photography, videography).

- To provide a safe space and opportunity for participants to plan and implement follow up actions in communities;

- To provide young people with an opportunity to present their culture, learn about others and share their specific attitudes;

- To get familiar with Erasmus + program elements and its’ benefits;

If you want to be a candidate of our program, please complete the application form and don't forget to complete the membership form if you are not a member of our organization. Link for completing the application of interest:

How to Apply:

1) Those who are not members of our Association, can register to be informed and have the right to participate in the activities of the Association at the link: Registration

2) Those who are already members of the Association can proceed to the next step (3).

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