Duration: From 1/03/2022 till 30/11/2022, 9 months
Activity: 18 to 26 of August, 2022, Training at Parnitha, Athens, Greece of 36 youth workers (4 youth workers from each organization). Through this program we want the participants to express and understand the feelings they had during quarantine period and any crisis. Finally, we learn to recognize the opportunities that can arise in such situations and transform their lives.
Accomodation: “Mpafi” Refuge, Parnitha,
Coordinating organisation: Active Cypriot Programs and European Learning Into Acceptance, ACPELIA, email:

Main Idea
A few months ago, the whole planet experienced something unprecedented, a global pandemic against during which we all had to be quarantined. Μany lives were lost and states were called upon to reduce disaster and protect our lives. In the meantime, our lives changed radically. Suddenly, our routine "broke" and we had to get used to living in "isolation". So, this program aims to express creatively through different tools of arts (creative writing, painting, theater e.t.c) this whole range of emotions. To speak, to hear, to feel, to consciously experience this time all these emotions, which we may have chosen to hide deep inside us and free ourselves from them.
Inspirer of most theatrical methods we will use is August Boal, a Brazilian Director, who experimented with new forms of theater to finally form one new kind of theater. The role of the teacher is taken over by the TFL. with a variety of exercises and techniques that aim first at social awareness reality and then the possibility of making any change. The theater initially functions as a means to better understand the reality that it is around us and within us and then as a means of transforming society.
This project aims to:
Provide a platform to reflect and analyse the ways in which this pandemic has affected our lives.
Discuss the new challenges that the crisis has created and the way how we can best approach them.
Explore the new possibilities (methods, tools, etc.) that we have developed and/or improved
Empowering the self-esteem and learn how to cope with anxiety and fear.

he Project specific objectives are:
encourage participants to recognize and learn to express and manage their emotions.
Learn how to express their feelings through their body.
Making the participants to accept the outside situations and gain inner peace.
Learning creative tools to gain more self-knowledge and transform the unwanted situations in their lives.
Develop compassion for other people and learn the value of collaboration.
The idea is to use a variety of different Non-Formal educational methods of wellbeing with their self-improvement, personal development, coaching, time-management, psychology, against social and cultural discrimination and a lot of other themes which are becoming part of our personality. The aim is to spread these methods through the NGOs and help the participants to become more balanced and happier in their daily lives.
Relevance of the project for Erasmus+:
Improving the key competencies and skills of participants.
Including PAXs with fewer opportunities.
Promote participation and active citizenship in European labor market.
Increasing learning mobility opportunities for young people active in youth work.
Enhanced cooperation

4 youth workers from our organization will take place to the program. Travelling food and accommodation all are payed from the program (For an application you must be member of our organization, if you want to apply for membership you can go for the application to the link:
Aplication for Interest of Participation:
If you want to be a candidate of our program please complete the application form and don't forget to complete the membership form if you are not a member of our organisation. Link for completing the application of membership: