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Gended Gap. TC in Paredes, Portugal | 1 - 8 January 2023


Updated: Apr 12, 2022


Hosting organisation: ANOGORDIO, Paredes, Porto, Portugal

Dates of the activity: from Sunday 1 till Sunday 8 of January 2023 (6 days plus 2 travelling days)

Activity: Training Course at Portugal for 36 youth workers (4 from each organisation) which focus on women empowerment fighting social inclusion and opposing discrimination in all its aspects using educational tools.

Accomodation: Paredes, Porto, Portugal

Main Idea of the Project

This is a project fighting for social inclusion and opposing discrimination in all its aspects. Equality between men and women was a core tenet enshrined in the UN Charter in 1945. Yet, 75 years later, women and girls live in a world of widespread gender inequality. The past decades have seen important progress for women and girls. Overall, however, change has been uneven and incremental. At the current rate of change, the global gender gap will not close for another 100 years. As the Secretary-General warned, “change is coming at a pace that is too slow for the women and girls whose lives depend on it”. Over the next 10 years, the global community must act with urgency and determination to accelerate progress and achieve gender equality for all women and girls everywhere.

Meanwhile, violence against women remains a human rights abuse on a massive scale. One in five women globally has experienced sexual and/or physical violence at the hands of an intimate partner in the past year. While in the 1990s, laws against domestic violence were uncommon, today they are in place in around three quarters of countries. This is important progress, largely driven by feminist activism, although much more needs to be done to ensure implementation, and to provide services and access to justice for survivors.

Gender equality remains unfinished business in every country of the world. Women and girls have less access to education and healthcare, too often lack economic autonomy and are under-represented in decision-making at all levels. The progress that has been made towards gender equality over the past quarter of a century, though slow and incremental, does however show that change is possible .

Legal reform, strengthening gender-responsive social protection and public service delivery, quotas for women’s representation, and support for women’s movements are all strategies that have made a difference and should be scaled up. In the UN Decade of Action to deliver the SDGs, governments, the UN, civil society, and the private sector, working together, have the potential to transform the lives of women and girls, for the benefit of all.

This training will be separated into three sessions. In the first session, we will understand how all these stereotypes that we grew up with,affect us emotionally and prepare us to accept many inequalities in professional and personal life.Young people learn to critically assess the impact of rigid gender norms on their own identities and make the links between gender norms, inequality and abuse. Through this process, they are empowered to embrace their right to be valued and respected for who they truly are (and not what society expects them to be) and their responsibility to value and respect others equally.Also, we will examine barriers to female economic participation and progress,exploring and implementing solutions for continued dialogue and action in each country. In Session 2, young people develop an understanding of different types of gender-based violence including physical, psychological and sexual abuse. The main activity focuses on scenarios of gender-based bullying in school. Being able to name gender-based bullying, to acknowledge its impact and understand why it happens empowers young people to stand up for themselves and their friends, as well as consider where their own behaviour or actions might be hurtful to someone else.Session 3 explores gender-based violence in romantic relationships. We will examine everything about domestic violence,what it is,who is affected, what are the signs and symptoms of intimate partner abuse, what are the signs that someone is a victim of domestic violence and what you can do to help yourself or someone else that needs it.Learning what constitutes an abusive relationship is an eye-opener for young people, many of whom have a ‘romanticised’ perception of violence and fail to recognise different forms of abuse, especially psychological abuse. As a result, young participants feel motivated to develop strategies for addressing gender-based violence if they or a friend experiences it in their romantic relationships.For the end we will use healing tools to empower them and to embrace themselves.

This project aims to:

● Provide a platform to reflect and analyze the history through time about women dicrimination in all fields.

● Discuss the progress that has been made in the latest years and explore solutions for continued dialogue in each country.

● Explore gender norms and stereotypes that are created and enforced by society, including the media;

● Explore their beliefs concerning what it means to be a boy or a girl in the society they live in;

● Challenge gender stereotypes and the ‘accepted’ or ‘normalised’ beliefs about masculinity and femininity;

● Understand the link between gender socialisation, gender inequalities and hierarchies of power;

● Participants explore how gender stereotypes impact on their own lives;

● Improving the knowledge and understanding of the nature of gender based violence and it’s roots causes in the enforcement of gender norms and gender inequality.

● Creating a safe environment where young people can explore how gender-based violence directly affects them and their peers.

● Empowering young people with the skills and confidence to become agents of change in their communities and preventing gender based violence where it affects them and their peers.

● Enabling young people to be valued and treated with respect and their responsibility to value and respect others.

● Providing educators in formal and non formal settings with information and tools for working with young people on the prevention of GBV.

● Students acknowledge that no matter how much pressure they are under to conform, they and their peers have the right to ‘live outside the box’ without fear of violence or abuse.

If you want to be part of the program, you must be a member of our organisation. If you are not member you can do application for membership here:

And for being part of the program continue with the application of participation in our program in this link:

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