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"Youth in Tune". Double YE in Portugal and Poland

Updated: Jun 1, 2023

Project Name: Youth Exchange “Youth in Tune”

Activity: "Youth in Tube" is a youth exchange involving 40 young people from 10 countries: Portugal, Poland, Spain, Croatia, Cyprus, Estonia, Greece, Turkey, Latvia and North Macedonia.

1st Activity: APV Meeting, Portugal, Porto 20-23.11.2022 (1 leader)

Orestis Kritikos from ACPELIA participated in the APV meeting for the project Youth In Tune in Portugal and already we created the team of our participants in the 2 projects. What Orestis says:

My participation gave me the opportunity to travel to Portugal and work on a collaborative project with people from different cultural and linguistic backgrounds.

I met other people and discussed the project in detail. This allowed us to get to know each other and make sure that we were all on the same page before the project started.

This Erasmus project focused on music creation. Music as the power to connect people from different countries because it is a universal language that transcends linguistic and cultural barriers. People from different cultures and countries can come together and enjoy music regardless of whether they speak the same language or have the same cultural background.

One of the highlights of the project was the opportunity to learn from my peers. Working with people from different countries and cultures allowed me to gain new perspectives and broaden my understanding of the world.

Additionally, we had the opportunity to visit a museum in the city where we were staying. It was a fascinating experience to learn about the history and culture of the place through its art and artifacts.

Overall, the APV Erasmus project was an incredibly valuable experience. The APV allowed us to plan and prepare for the project in advance, which will make the project run smoothly. I am grateful for the opportunity to have participated in this APV project and will always cherish the memories I made.

2nd Activity Youth Exchange : 31.03.2023 - 08.04.2023, Porto, Portugal

Accommodation: Paredes, Porto, Portugal

Food: The venue of the training will serve the participants with 3- times-a-day meals and snacks and beverages for the coffee breaks.

3rd Activity Youth Exchange : 14.06.2023 - 22.06.2023, Poland

Accommodation: Rzeszow, Poland

Food: The venue of the training will serve the participants with 3- times-a-day meals and snacks and beverages for the coffee breaks.

Travelling food and accommodation all are paid from the program (For an application you must be member of our organization, if you want to apply for membership you can go for the application to the link:

4 youngsters and one leader will be selected from our organisation.

Objectives of the exchange

There are 4 stages planned in this project: 1. Early Planning Visit (APV), (20-23.11.2022) where the leaders of each group will meet. We understand that it will be pertinent that, desirably, the group leaders (or another representative of the partner entity, if this is not possible) meet in person to get to know the places and logistics associated with the project. Issues such as safety, well-being, prevention of conflict situations, participant selection criteria, practical financial aspects, the division of responsibilities between partners and the way to implement and disseminate the project will be clarified. In this way, the high quality of the project is ensured.


40 young people from Portugal, Poland, Spain, Croatia, Cyprus, Estonia, Greece, Turkey, Latvia and North Macedonia. Each country will send 4 young people aged 18-30 years old and 10 group leader aged over 18 years old.

2. Youth Exchange in Portugal (31.03.2023 - 08.04.2023) - Here the participants are challenged to compose and record a song (first exchange) and to start planning a video clip for the song (for the next exchange). They will compose and record a song under the guidance of professional musicians, as well as taking advice from invited experts. They will also be encouraged to involve other young people from the community and to share the song with the local community. The participants hope that the reflection will help them discuss not only the obstacles facing youth, but also the real opportunities and importance of international initiatives and intercultural learning. It is our intention to show other youth organisations that street art is also an educational tool for young people to get more involved in community activities, as an example of Good Practice and also as a source of inspiration for future work. In this exchange the potential of the Erasmus+ programme will be discussed/disseminated.

3. Promotion of local activities: After the first meeting, participants will play the music in their local communities and make short videos that we can use in the second exchange.

4. Youth exchange in Poland (14.06.2023 - 22.06.2023) - Here the participants will learn the basics of video creation and record a music clip with members of the local community in the city of Rzeszow as extras. The final result (video clip with the original song) will be presented in the media and to the local community at the closing event of the project. During the second youth exchange, participants will address some of the difficulties young people face in their home countries, and how they can minimise or even overcome them by participating in international projects such as this. The video clip also contributes to raising awareness among the younger generation about the advantages of being active and participative in project development.

The exchanges involve forty participants from the ten partner organisations: Portugal, Poland, Spain, Croatia, Cyprus, Estonia, Greece, Turkey, Latvia and North Macedonia. Each team consists of four young people aged between eighteen and thirty (including 50% with fewer opportunities) and a group leader - inclusion and diversity has to start here to make the project meaningful.

Aplication for Interest of Participation:

If you want to be a candidate of our program please complete the application form and don't forget to complete the membership form if you are not a member of our organisation. Link for completing the application of membership:

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