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“WOMENS POWER’’, PDA, Kłodzko, POLAND/21-28 of JULY 2023

Updated: Jan 11, 2023


Applicant organisation: Stowarzyszenie "OPEN SOUL" (Poland). Contact person: Agata Lech, email:

Organization responsible for the implementation: Active Cypriot Programs and European Learning Into Acceptance, ACPELIA, email:

Project Manager: Nikolas Nikolaou, Agata Lech email:;

Trainers: Erma Georgiou:, Evangelia Nicolaou:

Duration: From 1st of July 2022 till 30 of November 2023 (17 months)

Period: from 21 till 28 of July 2023 (6 days plus 2 travelling days)

Activity: Training Course at Poland for 36 youth workers (4 from each organisation) which focus on women empowerment fighting social inclusion and opposing discrimination in all its aspects using educational tools.

Accommodation: Kotlina Kłodzka, County area of Kłodzko, Poland

Hotel: Menos Resorts, Kotlina Kłodzka,

Travelling food and accommodation all are paid from the program (For an application you must be member of our organization, if you want to apply for membership you can go for the application to the link:

4 Youthworkers /Teachers /Trainers will be selected from our organisation.

For the participants’ selection the following criteria will be taken into consideration:


• Youth Workers, Leaders, teachers, Educators people that are working with youth

• Motivated, active member of society;

• Willing to participate actively and share knowledge,

• Experience and positive energy;

• Experienced or interested in working with Erasmus+ program

Main Idea of the Project

This is a project fighting for social inclusion and opposing discrimination in all its aspects.Equality between men and women was a core tenet enshrined in the UN Charter in 1945. Yet, 75 years later, women and girls live in a world of widespread gender inequality. The past decades have seen important progress for women and girls. Overall, however, change has been uneven and incremental. At the current rate of change, the global gender gap will not close for another 100 years. As the Secretary-General warned, “change is coming at a pace that is too slow for the women and girls whose lives depend on it”. Over the next 10 years, the global community must act with urgency and determination to accelerate progress and achieve gender equality for all women and girls everywhere.

This project aims to:

● Provide a platform to reflect and analyze the history through time about women dicrimination in all fields.

● Discuss the progress that has been made in the latest years and explore solutions for continued dialogue in each country.

● Explore gender norms and stereotypes that are created and enforced by society, including the media;

● Explore their beliefs concerning what it means to be a boy or a girl in the society they live in;

● Challenge gender stereotypes and the ‘accepted’ or ‘normalised’ beliefs about masculinity and femininity;

● Understand the link between gender socialisation, gender inequalities and hierarchies of power;

● Participants explore how gender stereotypes impact on their own lives;

● Improving the knowledge and understanding of the nature of gender based violence and it’s roots causes in the enforcement of gender norms and gender inequality.

● Creating a safe environment where young people can explore how gender-based violence directly affects them and their peers.

● Empowering young people with the skills and confidence to become agents of change in their communities and preventing gender based violence where it affects them and their peers.

● Enabling young people to be valued and treated with respect and their responsibility to value and respect others.

● Providing educators in formal and non formal settings with information and tools for working with young people on the prevention of GBV.

● Students acknowledge that no matter how much pressure they are under to conform, they and their peers have the right to ‘live outside the box’ without fear of violence or abuse.

Relevance of the project for Erasmus + :

● Raising emotional awareness and empathy.

● Empowering young people with skills and confidence to become agents of change in their communities.

● Enabling young people to be valued and treated with respect.

● Providing information and tools for working with young people on the prevention of GVB.

● Enhanced teamwork and cooperation.

● Including PAXs with fewer opportunities.

● Improving all of Erasmus Plus key competences and skills for young people.

Application for Interest of Participation:

If you want to be a candidate of our program please complete the application form and don't forget to complete the membership form if you are not a member of our organisation. Link for completing the application of membership:

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