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“WELCOME 2 SUSTAINABLE CITY", YE in SPAIN /11 - 19/08/2023

Updated: May 30, 2023

Project Name: Youth Exchange “WELCOME 2 SUSTAINABLE CITY”

Activity: Youth Exchange in Spain. The WELCOME 2 SUSTAINABLE CITY project will involve 36 participants from Spain, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Italy, Germany and Poland from 11 – 19 of August 2023.

Youth Exchange: 11 – 19 August 2023 (including travelling days)

Accommodation: The youth hostel "NAVARREDONDA DE GREDOS" It is located in a privileged place in the Sierra de Gredos, near the Pico del Almanzor. We will stay in double rooms with private bathroom. The accommodation has catering that adapts to any dietary restriction. Navarredonda de Gredos, Spain

Food: The venue of the training will serve the participants with 3- times-a-day meals and snacks and beverages for the coffee breaks.

Participants: 5+1 participants from 6 countries.

Total of 36 participants

The profile of the participants is youth 18-30 years old who are active in the field of sports, semi-professional or professional athletes as well as participants with fewer opportunities who are facing social, economical, cultural and geographical challenges.

Brief Description of the Project

Through the project "Welcome 2 Sustainable City" we intend to analyze the different aspects that intervene in the sustainability of cities. We will not only focus on energy and environmental sustainability, but also on other types of sustainability, not so frequently mentioned, such as social and economic sustainability. All these aspects contribute to a great extent to the quality of life of the people residing in these cities.

Our objective with the implementation of this project is to create a space for the exchange of knowledge and good practices, thanks to which young people from different cultures and social environments can critically interpret the needs of their respective places of origin and contribute to fight for a more sustainable society.

Participants profile

· Participants will be between 20 and 30 years old.

· In each national group the gender balance will be respected (as many male and female participants).

· Participants must be able to communicate in English.

· Participants must be interested in sustainability.

· Participants must attend all youth exchange activities and actively participate

· Each national group will have a group leader with experience in the

·Erasmus+ program

• Ready to actively participate in the whole project (preparation and follow-up).

Regarding gender balance, we shall take care that the proportion of females and males participating is close to 50%/50%.

Aplication for Interest of Participation:

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