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"GREEN PLAN TO PLANT (GREPLA-PLA)". YE in Patra, Greece | 29.06 - 07.07 2024


Duration: From 1/08/2023 till 30/09/2024 (14 months)

Activity: Youth Exchange at Camping "KATO ALISSOS" (Patra, Greece) for 48 youngsters and 12 leaders plus 2 stakeholders (8 youngsters and two leader from each organization) in environmental awareness and sustainable practices with green planning for planting trees in all partner with Non Formal Educational Activities.

Activity dates: 29 of June till 7 of July 2024 (including travelling dates)

8 teenagers (ages from 15 to 19) and 2 leaders from our organization will take place to the program. Travelling food and accommodation all are payed from the program.

48 youngsters (ages 15 – 19) from 6 organizations and 12 leaders will gather in a YE and with their own ideas will learn how to get out of the Box and to create their own green projects and to extend them so to get educational keys that has to do with entrepreneurship and critical thinking.

The aim of the project is to increase the level of environmental knowledge and awareness of the need to protect the environment through alternative methods according to the environmental realities in the local communities.

Main Idea of the Project

48 youngsters (ages 15 – 22) from 6 organizations and 12 leaders will gather in a YE and with their own ideas will learn how to get out of the Box and to bring their own sustainable methods for e greener environment and planning for planting trees in all over the area and their local areas. The aim of the project is to increase the level of environmental knowledge and awareness of the need to protect the environment through alternative methods according to the environmental realities in the local communities.

The project`s theme is climate change and global warming, and its main objective is to enable young people and their leaders to work together and strengthen their European citizenship, promoting in the same time inclusion, environment and European awareness.

The Project specific objectives are:

  • empowering the participants European identity and, awareness of the need for social participation to reduce climate change among European citizens.

  • Making young participants to get out of the box giving their own ideas in green entrepreneurship.

  • Gaining sustainable practices of their leaving and their local realities in planning to plant trees and sustainable cooking from countries, encouraging the direct participation of young people from 6 countries and encouraging the adoption of a responsible attitude regarding the reduction of energy consumption and waste.

  • understanding the differences between nations, making them more united through the meeting between different cultures

  • promoting the reduction of environmental pollution and understanding the importance of a healthy living environment among the members of the communities.

  • Sustainable food, energy and generally keeping responsible attitude regarding reduction of energy and wastes

  • Learning to find their food from physical sources from local people that they know the area

  • Planting trees in the area with the cooperation of local authorities

The idea is to use a variety of different Non Formal educatonal methods of thinking out of the box for green enterpreuneurship with their self-improvement, personal development, coaching, time-management, psychology, against social and cultural discrimination and a lot of other themes which are becoming part of our personality. The aim is to spread these methods through the NGOs and help young people become more balanced and happy in their daily lives as well as increasing their employability rates.

Relevance of the project for Erasmus + :

o Improving the key competencies and skills of young people;

o Including PAXs with fewer opportunities;

o Promote participation and active citizenship in European labor market;

o Increasing learning mobility opportunities for young people active in youth work;

o Enhanced cooperation

Application for Interest link:

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