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“Creative Therapies in Youth Work’’, PDA, Osijek, Croatia/14 - 21 of January 2023 of January2023

Updated: Nov 29, 2022

Project Name: Professional Development Activity “Creative Therapies in Youth Work"

Activity: PDA in Croatia. The " Creative Therapies in Youth Work” project will involve youth workers/teachers/educators that they work in the field of arts with non-formal educational activities from all over Europe in January 2023.

Training: 14 – 21 of January 2023 (excluding travelling days) / 13 – 22 of January (including travelling days)

Accommodation: Hotel Silver is a business hotel in Osijec with a 15-year tradition. The hotel is located near the city pools and 15 by foot from the Tvrda (Old Town) and 20 minutes away from the city center (

Food: The venue of the training will serve the participants with 3- times-a-day meals and snacks and beverages for the coffee breaks.

Travelling food and accommodation all are paid from the program (For an application you must be member of our organization, if you want to apply for membership you can go for the application to the link:

Up to 3 Youthworkers /Teachers /Trainers will be selected from our organisation.

For the participants’ selection the following criteria will be taken into consideration:


• Youth Workers, Leaders, teachers, Educators people that are working with youth

• Motivated, active member of society;

• Willing to participate actively and share knowledge,

• Experience and positive energy;

• Experienced or interested in working with Erasmus+ program

Main Idea of the Project

Complex issues and obstacles that young people face today demand different approaches and we need to equip youth workers with a set of skills that will assist young people on their paths that are very challenging.

We need to address them making into consideration many aspects of obstacles that youngsters are facing and approaching them in a holistic manner and offer activities and tools that encompass a whole “range” of different segments of their possible expressions and to find for each issue the most appropriate “way out” or sense or relief.

Relevance of the project for Erasmus + :

● Raising emotional awareness and empathy.

● Empowering young people with skills and confidence to become agents of change in their communities.

● Enabling young people to be valued and treated with respect.

● Enhanced teamwork and cooperation.

● Including PAXs with fewer opportunities.

● Improving all of Erasmus Plus key competences and skills for young people.

Application for Interest of Participation:

If you want to be a candidate of our program please complete the application form and don't forget to complete the membership form if you are not a member of our organisation. Link for completing the application of membership:

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