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"Youth Journey To Politics". TC in Strasbourg, France | 27 of September - 6 of October 2021

Updated: Jan 8, 2022


When: 27 OF SEPTEMBER TILL 6 OF OCTOBER, 2021, (including travelling days)

Where: Strasbourg, France

Hosting place: We will stay all week in a house in Diemeringen, Rooms 3/5 p, Working Rooms, Tennis Court, Cinéma, Indoor Swimming Pool

Who: Non Formal Education Teachers, youth workers, members of NGO ACPELIA

3 youth workers from our organization will take place to the program. Travelling food and accommodation all are payed from the program (For an application you must be member of our organization, if you want to apply for membership you can go for the application to the link:

Project Aim: “Youth Journey to Politics.” Training Course will gather 37 youth workers from 12 countries for 8 days of training in Strasbourg, France. The necessity of this topic to be explored professionally was brought on many meetings in all organizations involved in this project. We are looking to follow-up projects on training on Migration on Youth Work, which were hosted by BIGBOSS. After evaluating the results of these training course, we developed this programme tailored to the needs of our organizations, whose youth workers expressed the wish to be able to involve young people they work with in politics and raise their active citizenship competences. This training course aims at empowering youth workers to involve young people in politics and specifically in policy-making, equipping them with hands-on skills, democratic attitudes and knowledge of political processes in order to foster the development of the ninth competence on political awareness.

The main objectives of this project are to:

1) To explore basic principles of politics, its' role in today's society and relation with youth work;

2) To link active participation with various human rights violation issues based on the European Charter of Fundamental Rights;

3) To study the development of policies and tools that are applied to youth politics;

4) To practice communication skills required for political participation, political lobbying and governance;

5) To develop youth policy amendment drafts that organizations can propose in their youth, community or city councils.

The main focus of this project is to develop competences in the direction of political awareness, citizenship and participation, besides promoting self-assessment tools, such as the youthpass Key Competences, a strong focus will be placed on the Civic And Democratic Competences compendium developed by the Council of Europe. Therefore, besides the ownership of learning processes which will be fostered by the host organisation, enabling each participant to use their preferred learning style and gather what skills, knowledge, attitudes and values are necessary to her/him

As youth workers who take part from this training will experience policy making documents and methods on their own, they will be more capable to lead and promote a more tolerant and liberal society based in European values and human rights principles through policy and political engagement. Considering new opportunities European youth programs offer, youth workers experience more and more international life in their everyday work, for example hosting and cooperating with international volunteers, youth workers, supporting youngsters to participate in youth exchanges etc. So, youth workers are the ones, who help young people to understand their international and intercultural learning, even furthermore – they are the ones who help to create connections between these kind of learning opportunities and local realities.


Selection of the participants: Till 28 of July 2021

If you want to be a candidate of our program, please complete the application for and don't forget to complete the membership form if you are not a member of our organisation. Link for completing the application of interest:

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