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“Outdoor Experiential Learning – for Beginners”. TC in Zmajevac, Croatia | 5 - 13 June 2022

Writer's picture: ACPELIAACPELIA

Updated: Aug 7, 2022

From 6-12/June our member Kyriacos Stouppas had the opportunity to participate on a Training Course project under Erasmus+ in Zmajevak (Croatia). Name of the project was "OUTDOOR EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING – FOR BEGINNERS". During that project, participants developed many competences and learned how to organize their own non-formal educational outdoor activities (OEL). Kyriacos with the support of ACPELIA as the Cypriot partner organization, organized and implemented in Cyprus, OEL activities for 36 youthworkers based on the methodology and the tools of that project. We thank our partner organization ‘’Kreaktiva’’ for their hospitality and their support. Photos of the follow up activities in Cyprus you can find below. #youth #nature #environment #outdoor #NFE #eramusplus #facilitation #OEL

Training Course KA105: “Outdoor Experiential Learning – for Beginners”

When: 5-13 of June 2022,

Where: Zmajevac, Croatia

Who: Non Formal Education Teachers, youth workers, members of NGO ACPELIA

2 youth workers from our organization will take place to the program. Travelling food and accommodation all are paid from the program (For an application you must be a member of our organization and if you want to apply for membership you can go for the application to the link: HERE).

There are countless researches on the power of nature to reduce stress, improve the mood, increase the creativity and promote general human well-being. Although there are few initiatives appearing that promote being in the wilderness (mostly related to adventure education), using this as a conscious educational approach is still very under-developed, particularly in the youth field. This is due to the fact that educators themselves are often not aware of the power of the approach and are not confident or lacking skills to use this in daily work with young people.

With this training course we want to give chance for 24 youth workers, educators and youth leaders that work with young people on the daily basis to experience the power of learning in/from the nature and outdoor approach for the personal and social development and motivate them to use it more often in work with young people.

This training course will be strongly based on so-called Experiential Learning approach for personal and professional development, with elements of experiencing different activities in nature and outdoors and the added value given by observing and understanding the nature, challenging participants in the exploration of the natural environment as well as their inner personal and professional dimension. At the second half of the training, participants will be expected to create their own non-formal learning activities in/through the nature that could, later on, be implemented with young people.

Preliminary program of the training

The objectives of the training course are:

1. Exploring and building common understanding on the power of outdoor experiential learning and learning in/from the nature as an effective way for youth work – as a NFL tool for promoting personal development of youngsters, cooperation with peers, inclusion and becoming more connected to the community and surroundings.

2. Providing a space for youth workers to participate in OEL activities in nature and thus allowing to experience the power of such learning and thus motivate them to use this approach for their daily youth-work.

3. Equipping participants with knowledge on how to design and implement good quality OEL and learning in/from nature activities for young people and giving them the chance to develop skills on facilitating such activities.

4. To develop and implement concrete follow-up activities (at least 10) applying the experience from this training course in the local youth work realities.

If you want to be a candidate of our program please complete the application for and don't forget to complete the membership form if you are not a member of our organisation. Link for completing the application of interest: FORM

Βήματα για δήλωση συμμετοχής:

1) Όσοι δεν είναι μέλη του Σωματείου μπορούν να κάνουν εγγραφή σαν μέλη του Σωματείου μας για να ενημερώνονται και να έχουν το δικαίωμα να λαμβάνουν μέρος στις δράσεις του Σωματείου στο λινκ:  Εγγραφή

2) Όσοι είναι ήδη μέλη του Σωματείου μπορούν να προχωρήσουν στο επόμενο βήμα (3).

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